Final del Festival de Verano de 2011
End of Summer Festival 2011
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Festival de San Andrés 2011
Para concluir las actividades del verano y conseguir fondos para el trabajo de la Iglesia, tuvimos el domingo 25 de septiembre nuestro Festival de San Andrés 2011, que comenzó con nuestro Servicio de la Santa Eucaristía a las 11:30 am y continuó en el jardín de la Iglesia, adornado con banderas de nuestros países. En este día disfrutamos de la alegría de la música, vendemos comidas típicas, tenemos competencias, juegos y rifas; y este año invitamos un show de títeres para el disfrute de los niños. Ya estamos pensando que haremos para el 2012..
Saint Andrew's Festival 2011
To conclude summer activities and raise funds for the missionary work of the church, on Sunday, September 25th, we had our annual Saint Andrew's Festival, which began with our Holy Eucarist at 11:30 a.m. and continued in the garden that was decorated with flags from all of our members' countries. On this day, we had entertainment with music, traditional foods were served, and there were fun competitions, games, and raffles. Also, this year we had a puppet show, which the children enjoyed. We are already starting to come up with ideas for what will be done at Festival in 2012.
Para concluir las actividades del verano y conseguir fondos para el trabajo de la Iglesia, tuvimos el domingo 25 de septiembre nuestro Festival de San Andrés 2011, que comenzó con nuestro Servicio de la Santa Eucaristía a las 11:30 am y continuó en el jardín de la Iglesia, adornado con banderas de nuestros países. En este día disfrutamos de la alegría de la música, vendemos comidas típicas, tenemos competencias, juegos y rifas; y este año invitamos un show de títeres para el disfrute de los niños. Ya estamos pensando que haremos para el 2012..
Saint Andrew's Festival 2011
To conclude summer activities and raise funds for the missionary work of the church, on Sunday, September 25th, we had our annual Saint Andrew's Festival, which began with our Holy Eucarist at 11:30 a.m. and continued in the garden that was decorated with flags from all of our members' countries. On this day, we had entertainment with music, traditional foods were served, and there were fun competitions, games, and raffles. Also, this year we had a puppet show, which the children enjoyed. We are already starting to come up with ideas for what will be done at Festival in 2012.